CATEGORY L T P Credit Year of Introduction
PCC 0 0 3 2 2019
Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to
Course Outcomes
Use network related commands and configuration files in Linux Operating System.(Cognitive Knowledge Level: Understand).
Develop network application programs and protocols.(Cognitive Knowledge Level: Apply)
Analyze network traffic using network monitoring tools.(Cognitive Knowledge Level: Apply)
Design and setup a network and configure different network protocols.(Cognitive Knowledge Level: Apply)
Develop simulation of fundamental network concepts using a network simulator.(Cognitive Knowledge Level: Apply)
Assessment Pattern
Bloom’s Category Continuous Assessment End Semester
Marks in percentage
Remember 20 20
Understand 20 20
Apply 60 60
Mark Distribution
Total Marks CIE Marks ESE Marks ESE Duration
150 75 75 3 hours
Continuous Internal Evaluation Pattern:
Attendance : 15 marks
Continuous Evaluation in Lab : 30 marks
Continuous Assessment Test : 15 marks
Viva voce : 15 marks
Internal Examination Pattern:
The Internal examination shall be conducted for 100 marks, which will be converted to out of 15, while calculating Internal Evaluation marks. The marks will be distributed as,
Algorithm - 30 marks, Program - 20 marks, Output - 20 marks and Viva - 30 marks.
End Semester Examination Pattern:
The End Semester Examination will be conducted for a total of 75 marks and shall be distributed as, Algorithm - 30 marks, Program - 20 marks, Output - 20 marks and Viva- 30marks.
Operating System to Use in Lab : Linux
Compiler/Software to Use in Lab : gcc, NS2
Programming Language to Use in Lab : Ansi C
Fair Lab Record:
All the students attending the Networking Lab should have a Fair Record. Every experiment conducted in the lab should be noted in the fair record. For every experiment, in the fair record, the right hand page should contain experiment heading, experiment number, date of experiment, aim of the experiment, procedure/algorithm followed, other such details of the experiment and final result. The left hand page should contain a print out of the respective code with sample input and corresponding output obtained. All the experiments noted in the fair record should be verified by the faculty regularly. The fair record, properly certified by the faculty, should be produced during the time of End Semester Examination for theverification by the examiners.
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