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Chat server in python

import sys
import socket
import select
HOST = ''
PORT = 9009
def chat_server():
 server_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET,socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
 server_socket.bind((HOST, PORT))
# add server socket object to the list of readable connections
print "Chat server started on port " + str(PORT)
while 1:
   # get the list sockets which are ready to be read through select
   # 4th arg, time_out  = 0 : poll and never block
for sock in ready_to_read:
            # a new connection request recieved
            if sock == server_socket:
                sockfd, addr = server_socket.accept()
        print "Client (%s, %s) connected" % addr
        broadcast(server_socket, sockfd, "[%s:%s] entered our chatting room\n" % addr)
            # a message from a client, not a new connection
                # process data recieved from client,
              # receiving data from the socket.
              data = sock.recv(RECV_BUFFER)
           if data:
               # there is something in the socket
                broadcast(server_socket, sock, "\r" + '[' + str(sock.getpeername()) + '] ' + data) 
                # remove the socket that's broken    
                if sock in SOCKET_LIST:
                 # at this stage, no data means probably the connection has been broken
               broadcast(server_socket, sock, "Client (%s, %s) is offline\n" % addr)
                # exception
                broadcast(server_socket, sock, "Client (%s, %s) is offline\n" % addr)

# broadcast chat messages to all connected clients
def broadcast (server_socket, sock, message):
    for socket in SOCKET_LIST:
        # send the message only to peer
        if socket != server_socket and socket != sock :
            try :
            except :
                # broken socket connection
                # broken socket, remove it
                if socket in SOCKET_LIST:

if __name__ == "__main__":

import sys
import socket
import select
 def chat_client():
    if(len(sys.argv) < 3) :
        print 'Usage : python hostname port'
    host = sys.argv[1]
    port = int(sys.argv[2])
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
     # connect to remote host
    try :
        s.connect((host, port))
    except :
        print 'Unable to connect'
        print 'Connected to remote host. You can start sending messages'
    sys.stdout.write('[Me] '); sys.stdout.flush()
    while 1:
        socket_list = [sys.stdin, s]
        # Get the list sockets which are readable
        ready_to_read,ready_to_write,in_error = 
                      , [], [])
        for sock in ready_to_read:             
            if sock == s:
                # incoming message from remote server, s
                data = sock.recv(4096)
                if not data :
                    print '\nDisconnected from chat server'
                else :
                    #print data
                    sys.stdout.write('[Me] '); sys.stdout.flush()     
            else :
                # user entered a message
                msg = sys.stdin.readline()
                sys.stdout.write('[Me] '); sys.stdout.flush() 
if __name__ == "__main__":


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